Community Energy Planning for the Township of Mulmur

Type of initiative
Sector Energy
Project value$190,000
Project Type Plan
Grant amount$125,000
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2019 - 2021
Project number 15792


The Township of Mulmur (pop. 3478) is carrying out a Community Energy Plan (CEP) in order to establish a baseline greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory, set emissions reductions targets, and outline actions to reduce GHG emissions for municipal operations and the community. The goal of the planning process is to foster an environment of innovation and economic development related to energy and to create a sustainable community whose energy future is efficient, secure and environmentally responsible. The CEP will be developed using the Ontario Government’s Municipal Energy Planning program methodology, which includes three phases: 1) stakeholder engagement; 2) a baseline energy study and energy map and 3) municipal energy plan development. The CEP will identify energy conservation and green energy opportunities for all sectors within the broader context of the built environment, land use planning, growth planning, and generation and transmission infrastructure. The CEP will evaluate energy use across the entire municipality including residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, and public-sector energy use.Extensive stakeholder engagement will be carried out throughout the planning process and key stakeholders will include municipal officials and politicians; county departments; Hydro One, Enbridge natural gas distribution, propane suppliers, heating oil suppliers; major users of energy in the Township; business improvement association; and local non-governmental organizations involved or interested in energy issues. Mulmur’s initial GHG reduction targets are in alignment with Ontario's Climate Change Action Plan with a reduction of 37% below 1990 by 2030. However, to set the final reduction targets Mulmur will undertake baseline energy studies to determine their current energy and emissions profile, and to establish a business-as-usual projection. Mulmur with then undertake as extensive stakeholder consultation process to establish achievable and verifiable emissions targets. Demonstration building audits and preliminary feasibility demonstrations will be provided to show the benefit of both energy conservation and local opportunities for renewable energy generation. The goals of the CEP are to promote economic development in the community, promote energy security, and foster behavioral change through education.
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