Temagami Wind Power Cooperative Feasibility Study and Business Plan

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Energy
Project value$317,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Renewable Energy Generation – Wind
Grant amount$158,500
Program type GMF
Municipality Municipality of Temagami, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 862
Project timeline 2004 - 2011
Project number 5212


The Renewable Energy Cooperative North (TREC North) will conduct a comprehensive study to determine if the localwind regime will support a moderate size wind farm. If so, it will address all aspects required to bring such a project tothe stage where financing for a local for-profit cooperative could occur and construction begin. The Wind CooperativeBusiness Plan Development phase of the study will include community consultation, education and outreach onrenewable energy and energy efficiency. It will also include the formation of an appropriate cooperative structure, anoffering statement, the sale of shares to members of the community and cooperative partnership development. Basedon preliminary Renewable Energy Technologies (RET) Screen analysis, the project should produce 9 megawatts (MWt)of electricity using five wind turbines, the equivalent of approximately 21,000 megawatt-hour (MWh) per year. This wouldbe more than sufficient to meet local needs and would result in a reduction of 9,756 tonnes if carbon dioxide (CO2).Energy saved would be marketed outside the community through the North American grid, improving the bottom line ofthe cooperative. Such a set-up would allow the community to have control over its own green power and would provide abusiness plan model of ownership and operation that other small municipalities could adopt.


The Renewable Energy Cooperative North, ON