Studies of Residual Materials Inventory and Organic Materials Management by the Régie Intermunicipale des déchets de la Rouge

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Waste
Project value$60,390
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Composting
Grant amount$28,845
Program type GMF
Municipality Régie Intermunicipale des déchets de la Rouge, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2012 - 2013
Project number 12063


With a view to increasing its organic materials diversion rate, the Régie Intermunicipale des déchets de La Rouge (RIDR) has launched a study to determine the most appropriate method for processing residual organic materials for its region and clientele. The RIDR represents three RCMs and 35 municipalities across an extensive territory with low population density. The RIDR is interested in devising a common global solution to the organic materials management issue and achieving a total diversion rate of 60% and hence extending the service life of the existing landfill site by about 20 years. Prior to launching the study, the RIDR looked into the practices used by various boards, RCMs and municipalities in this regard. As part of its study, the RIDR will compile a complete inventory of residual materials generated, diverted and disposed of in every district on its territory, including an analysis of existing data and ICI surveys (costs for the baseline data collection will not be funded by the GMF). RIDR will analyze potential organic materials management options (biomethanization, thermal treatment, etc.) taking into consideration economic, environmental, technical and social issues. It will then establish an action plan to implement a project that will include a public communications plan to inform, raise awareness and provide support with a view to maximizing participation in the program and the organic materials diversion rate. The study will be developed in collaboration with a committee consisting of elected officials and RCM and municipal specialists and will be addressed in three public consultations to inform citizens and raise awareness about the project. The project will meet a number of sustainability objectives, including reducing GHG emissions, creating local jobs, stimulating the regional economy, increasing effectiveness of residual materials management efforts, raising public awareness, and empowering citizens with regard to residual materials management. This study could therefore serve as a tool for other regions that are interested in implementing a residual materials management policy and are in the same situation as the RIDR. (Project description from original funding application)


Régie Intermunicipale des déchets de la Rouge, QC