Mississauga's Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Multi-sector (Plans)
Project value$793,300
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Grant amount$175,000
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Mississauga, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 717,961
Project timeline 2012 - 2014
Project number 12034


The City of Mississauga will prepare the Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan, a sustainable neighbourhood action plan for a 245-hectare waterfront brownfield site. The site, one of the largest redevelopment areas in the city, consists of the former Ontario Power Generation (OPG) Lakeview Generating Station and the lands comprising the older Lakeview industrial area. The Master Plan will be instrumental in unifying the city along its waterfront in a manner consistent with the policies of Mississauga’s Living Green Master Plan (2012) and its extensive public visioning exercise in 2011 on the redevelopment of the area. The Master Plan will investigate a range of innovative and sustainable approaches to development including brownfield remediation through soil recycling and reuse, landscaped canals for stormwater management, and sustainable transportation infrastructure such as dedicated bicycle lanes and water channels. Given the site’s location adjacent to the Lakeview water and wastewater treatment facilities, the city will explore opportunities to partner with OPG, Enersource and the Region of Peel on district energy, clean energy production, and waste-to-energy projects. The Master Plan will also result in concrete development parameters with respect to land use, height, density, and urban design in order to guide the build-out of the site. Furthermore, the Master Plan will address the social and economic pillars of sustainability by seeking to create a live-work-play environment for residents through the provision of accessible public spaces, affordable housing, cultural amenities, and employment opportunities, while positioning Inspiration Lakeview as a cultural hub to draw local, regional and international visitors. Public and stakeholder engagement will be at the forefront of the Master Plan development, building upon the transparent process established during the development of the Inspiration Lakeview Vision. A unique aspect of the project is the relationship between the City of Mississauga, OPG, and the Province of Ontario. Building such strategic relationships early in the process is intended to benefit the timing, cost and scope of the project through commitments from champions, broader access to potential funding, and access to a wider range of resources. This approach, alongside the planning process and innovative technologies that may be adopted in the Master Plan, could be adapted by other communities looking to sustainably redevelop their brownfield or waterfront sites. (Project description from original funding application)


City of Mississauga, ON