Glace Bay Area Active Transportation Corridor Feasibility Study

Type of initiative
Sector Transportation
Project value$80,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Grant amount$64,000
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2018 - 2019
Project number 15790


Bicycle Nova Scotia will perform Feasibility Study to explore the conversion of approximately 14km segment of an abandoned railway to a multi-use pathway and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Glace Bay Area.Transportation represents a growing percentage of Nova Scotia’s greenhouse gases (GHGs), and currently accounts for 27% of total emissions in the province. As the transition towards low carbon communities begins, transportation provides an opportunity for emission reductions by decreasing the trips made in single occupancy vehicles to non-emitting active transportation options. To reduce vehicle kilometers travelled by car, it is necessary to provide safe and interconnected cycling infrastructure. It is estimated that a 1% increase in bicycle commuting in Glace Bay would reduce approximately 30 metric tonnes of CO2 per year. This projection assumed that 100% of the people biking in the future would have previously been driving to work. Feasibility study includes: • Evaluation of the rail bed and site condition suitability for pathway development;• Review of property ownership along the corridor and associated acquisition requirements;• Identification of primary travel pattern origins, destinations and desire lines; • Identification of target users and recommendations for pathway use regulations;• Preliminary design concepts for a multi-use pathway within the corridor ;• Preliminary design concepts for corridor connections to key origins and destinations;• Evaluation of all level crossings of pathway and road network and associated intersection design concepts;• Recommendations for implementation including identifying trail ownership, management and partnerships;• Preliminary recommendations for transportation demand management programs with key destinations;• Proposed methodology for project modal shift tracking;• Costing estimates for all concept recommendations;• Public and stakeholder engagement in the development of recommendations; • Best practice approach to active transportation infrastructure design suitable for all ages and abilities.Within the Glace Bay Area, the abandoned Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO) railway is an attractive site for establishing an active transportation corridor that appeals to everyone. Improvements and initiatives mark the beginning of implementing long-term efforts to shift transportation culture. The project will be an important piece of community development and will contribute to growing a culture of sustainable and active transportation. Glace Bay is looking to improve quality of life for residents, attract and retain new residents and shift to more sustainable forms of economic development and transportation culture.
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