Initiative for the integration of sustainable land use planning practices in Adstock

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Multi-sector (Plans)
Project value$71,200
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Grant amount$35,600
Program type GMF
Municipality Municipalité d'Adstock, QC
Status In Progress
Population 2,903
Project timeline 2020 - 2024
Project number 16864


Located in the Regional County Municipality (RCM) of Les Appalaches, in the administrative region of Chaudière-Appalaches, the municipality of Adstock was founded in 2001 following the amalgamation of three municipalities. It has four urban areas and six recreational lakes, with a population of 2,800 residents. Following several public consultations as part of its strategic plan update initiative, the municipal council was made aware of citizens’ expectations in the areas of sustainable development, environmental protection and land development. In response to this citizen impulse, the municipality of Adstock committed to reviewing its land use planning and urban planning practices by integrating sustainable land use principles, and by considering the impacts of climate change to improve its resilience. The municipality will build in particular on its existing plans, such as its landscape plan and its family and senior plan.

Many issues will be addressed in this plan, along with several identified priorities such as the improvement of water and vegetation management. The municipality will also review the quality of its water and rainwater plans, and will address the issue of urban development around the lakes as well as issues surrounding vegetation in urban and vacationing areas.

The project has significant objectives in terms of environmental preservation, quality of life, citizen engagement, and the promotion of the local economy. To carry it out, the municipality will start by analyzing the causes of problems and issues, and the different municipal departments will be consulted to validate the items that could impact them. The municipality also intends on maximizing the dialogue with citizens and with all other stakeholders in the community. For this purpose, personalized citizen consultation and methodology uptake tools will be put in place, such as the participatory urban planning model of the Centre d’écologie urbaine de Montréal (Montreal Urban Ecology Centre).

During its final process, the project will be the subject of a public consultation. The urban development plan will become the municipality’s main decision-making tool that will provide a common direction for multiple sector-specific decisions.

Innovative aspects

  • Citizen consultation tools and significance of this consultation in the plan’s design (interactive web platform, participatory workshops, etc.)
  • Participatory urban development to maximize citizen engagement


  • Ability to share the participatory approach and meeting tools with rural municipalities and municipalities with a strong tourism potential
  • Section that explains the approach to promote a better understanding and the adaptation of the planning process


Municipalité d'Adstock, QC