Montrose Community Sustainability Plan

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Multi-sector (Plans)
Project value$63,200
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Grant amount$31,100
Program type GMF
Municipality Village of Montrose, BC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 1,013
Project timeline 2014 - 2015
Project number 13075


To build upon and broaden the sustainability goals of its Official Community Plan, the Village of Montrose will develop a comprehensive community sustainability plan. The plan will outline a long-term vision and strategies for economic, social and environmental success, and will serve as a framework for future decision-making. An innovative feature of the plan will be its emphasis on partnership and collaboration, both within the community and with neighbouring communities. The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, neighbouring communities and partner organizations in the region will participate in action planning and ongoing implementation. The process and plan will incorporate sustainability objectives based on The Natural Step framework, customizing and adapting proven strategies to meet Montrose's unique situation and needs. The planning process will take into consideration the root causes of environmental problems and the downstream impacts of possible solutions. The village will develop the plan using a comprehensive community systems approach that considers the integration and interdependence of environmental, social and economic factors in a number of community areas (for example, homes and neighbourhoods). The plan will identify key directions for each community area, as well as clear goals, desired outcomes and actions (including timelines and estimated costs). Actions will address energy, waste management, water management, sustainable transportation, land use and local economic development. The village will prioritize actions using a decision-making tool that considers factors such as goals, desired outcomes, return on investment, ease of implementation and impact. The village will monitor and report on outcomes based on a set of indicators and recommended targets. An advisory committee, made up of stakeholders and potential partners, will guide the planning process and support implementation. Community consultation will involve a range of strategies including online surveys, community open houses, action-planning workshops, presentations, social media and website communications. The planning process and resulting plan could provide lessons for other small municipalities. The plan will be available through the village website; and the village will share information on the process and plan through conferences and regional workshops. (Project description from original funding application)


Village of Montrose, BC