Feasibility Study for a Zero-Energy, Zero-Carbon Birds of Prey Interpretation Centre

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Energy
Project value$557,700
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – New – with Renewable energy
Grant amount$175,000
Program type GMF
Municipality MRC des Maskoutains, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 89,432
Project timeline 2017 - 2020
Project number 15257


The Union québécoise de réhabilitation des oiseaux de proie (UQROP), in partnership with the Maskoutains RCM, wants to study the feasibility of constructing a zero-energy, zero-carbon building for its birds of prey interpretation centre. The UQROP owns the land and will also own and manage the 1,500 m2 building. The building itself should become an additional tourist attraction for the area. This building will enable the interpretation centre to expand its birds of prey education mission and become a showcase for zero-energy buildings. A mobile exhibit featuring the building, technologies and energy efficiency principles will be created for the temporary showroom. The building’s energy load should be 70% less than a conventional building. Electricity will be supplied by a photovoltaic/thermal system that will be sized to generate as much electricity as the building uses annually. It will incorporate the most recent advanced technology developed by the Smart Net-Zero Energy Building Research Network at Concordia University and CanmetEnergy-Varennes. The advanced technology will maximize the use of natural lighting, natural ventilation and local renewable energy sources. The objective is to include two innovations developed by CanmetEnergy that have never before been demonstrated in a building. A direct expansion (DX) ground-source heat pump system using CO2 should make it possible to design a system that will reduce size and cost, compared to conventional technology, by 35-50% while boosting performance. Concordia University and CanmetEnergy will also study the design of a hybrid heating and air-conditioning system that will incorporate thermal storage. In another first, the control system will use a predictive control technique that will make the building able to respond to weather forecasts. This should reduce peak electricity demand by 35% and the total bill by 25%. Water and waste management are also objectives for this study: waste control, recovery and sorting, use of composting toilets, and recovery of rainwater and grey water. Wastewater treatment should also help reduce the amount of water used by the centre by at least 40%. The feasibility study will be conducted by the UQROP with the help of consultants, engineers, Concordia University, CanmetEnergy and neighbouring municipalities. Integrated process design meetings will also be held to identify potential technical solutions. Concordia University will do all the simulations to check the energy efficiency of the systems and the building. The final deliverable will include construction cost estimates, the final design, technology choices, the energy simulation and preliminary plans and specifications. The knowledge value lies in the fact that the study results will provide information about the advantages and disadvantages of a number of innovative technologies. The partnership with Concordia University and CanmetEnergy will provide meticulous monitoring and improve sharing of results. (Project description from original funding application)

Project results

Lessons learned

  • Council support/buy-in


Union québécoise de réhabilitation des oiseaux de proie, QC