Establishing a new building monitoring and analysis system in the Village of Chauvin

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - CBR
Sector Energy
Project value$17,600
Project Type Monitoring and Analysis Project (BMAG)
Sub Sector Building – Existing – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$14,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Village of Chauvin, AB
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 304
Project timeline 2022 - 2023
Project number 18110


The Village of Chauvin intends to establish a new building energy and monitoring system in the Repsol Community Centre, a municipally owned recreational facility with an arena. The system will allow the village to collect more granular data on the building’s energy consumption on a continuous basis. This will allow them to identify appropriate energy conservation measures and track their impact following implementation. Once the submetering hardware has been installed on the building’s electrical panels, the ongoing costs for operating the system will be minimal, making it more likely for the village to sustain the investment. However, if no additional funding is committed over the long-term, the village intends to use free software and analyze the data collected in-house. (Project description from original funding application)


Village of Chauvin, AB