SOLIDES – Planning of 36 housing units in the Lachine borough of Montreal

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - SAH
Sector Energy
Project value$139,000
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Building – New – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$25,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville de Montréal, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 1,762,949
Project timeline 2021 - 2022
Project number 17873


The Société locative d’investissement et de développement social (SOLIDES) is applying for a construction project planning grant. The new building will include 36 units on four and a half storeys. The building will be located on the lots at 865 and 885-889 14e Avenue in Montreal, in the Lachine borough. In order to achieve net-zero energy use, SOLIDES will choose environmentally friendly materials with a low energetic footprint and an optimal building design. They will invest in the installation of a green roof to provide not only a leisure space for residents, but also a cool zone that will cool down all of the building’s housing units. Fifty per cent of units will be affordable, more specifically at 80% of the current median market rate. A percentage of units will be reserved for newcomers, seniors and the LGBTQ+ population. The SAH grant will be used to pay for preliminary studies (environmental studies, hazardous material characterization study, market value study, rent study, financial assessment and energy audit). Following these studies, SOLIDES will submit grant applications to CMHC as part of the National Housing Co-Investment Fund and to the Green Municipal Fund under the study grant, and later under the new build capital grant. (Project description from original funding application)


Société locative d’investissement et de développement social, QC