CEF - FS- MRC d’Argenteuil : étude de faisabilité pour la mise sur pied d’un programme de modernisation écoénergétique en milieu résidentiel dans la région des Laurentides

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - CEF
Sector Energy
Project value$150,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Other
Grant amount$120,000
Program type GMF
Municipality MRC d'Argenteuil, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 34,752
Project timeline 2023 - 2024
Project number 18559


The Regional County Municipality (RCM) of Argenteuil would like to perform a feasibility study to explore the main parameters and potential financing modes of an energy-efficiency program in the Laurentians region (RCM of Argenteuil, RCM of Deux-Montagnes, RCM of Thérèse-De Blainville, RCM of Laurentides, RCM of Pays-d’en-Haut, RCM of Antoine-Labelle and City of Mirabel). The study is supported by six RCMs in the Laurentians region and the City of Mirabel. The ultimate goal of this program would be to facilitate the energy-efficiency transition of many single-family homes in order to significantly reduce domestic greenhouse gas emissions.


The study will include the following deliverables: 

  • Making an inventory of programs that support energy-efficiency transition, and assessing the types of buildings that could be covered by the future program as well as their energy-use profile.
  • Identifying energy-efficient solutions that could be proposed to homeowners, while considering their performance and costs.
  • Developing the outline of a regional strategy to promote the program by emphasizing the program’s economic and environmental benefits for both homeowners and local communities.
  • Assessing the financing models that will be implemented and that make it possible to combine provincial and municipal incentives and third-party funding in order to support energy transition costs for homeowners interested in participating in the program.
  • Identifying sources of funding to support the management costs of the future program.
  • Proposing a program management governance model that accurately reflects the collaboration structure to be implemented between the participating RCMs or cities, the CPÉRL (Council of Prefects and Elected Officials of the Laurentians region) and external partners.


The environmental benefits include a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to enable the Laurentians region to take action on its collective inventory and a decrease in electricity consumption. The economic benefits include decreased energy expenses for households and the growth of the tax base of residents in the Laurentians region. The social benefits include the building of capacities in the Laurentians region to increase its potential action on the improvement of the built environment; an improvement in occupant comfort level and general health by helping to create healthier environments; an improvement in the energy resilience of communities through decreased energy needs and grid constraints.

Innovative aspect(s):

The proposed study will develop an innovative energy-efficiency financing mechanism and a regulatory framework to accelerate the implementation of residential energy-efficiency measures in the Laurentians region.



The results of the proposed study will provide a unique and innovative approach for the Laurentians region to accelerate the implementation of residential energy-efficiency measures. The design of the proposed program could be replicated in whole or in part by many municipalities, particularly those facing technical and financial challenges in the implementation of energy-efficiency upgrades.


Peer review comments:

The peer reviewers stated that the strengths of this project include the governance model being contemplated, the adoption of a program that is already in use in other municipalities, the commitment of the region’s RCMs, the CPÉRL and the stakeholders, the building of capacities, the replicability potential in other Quebec municipalities, the project team and the partners.


Peer review identified the following opportunities for improvement:


  • The replication mechanisms are not specified, and it is suggested that the applicant look for the replication mechanisms of other PACE programs to familiarize itself with them and to provide targets, for example, through the sharing of by-law templates and annual reports that can include relevant project information, such as emission reductions, energy and cost savings, and the participation rate.
  • The proposed program is based on the desire to support middle-income families; however, there is no information on the average cost of a home energy-efficiency upgrade, the minimum loan amount and the interest rate
  • There are no details on the plans and policies of the participating municipalities.


MRC d'Argenteuil, QC