Cape Breton Regional Municipality Grand Lake Road Multi Use Path

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Transportation
Project value$3,000,000
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Active Transportation
Grant amount$100,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Cape Breton Regional Municipality, NS
Loan amount$1,000,000
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 93,694
Project timeline 2014 - 2018
Project number 13089


Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) will construct a 10-kilometre long multi-use path linking its two largest communities, Sydney and Glace Bay, with its largest educational institution, Cape Breton University, which is located between the two. The new path will provide cyclists, pedestrians and in-line skaters with a safe alternative transportation route along a corridor currently served only by Grand Lake Road, a four-lane highway with heavy traffic. The multi-use path will remove 1,240 vehicles from the road, for an anticipated 7,936,000 vehicle kilometres avoided per year, which is equivalent to an anticipated GHG reduction of 1,561,804.8 kg CO2e per year. The project is well supported by the local communities and will be guided by an advisory committee composed of representatives from the provincial departments of transportation and health and wellness, Velo Cape Breton (a local cycling club), Cape Breton University, the Mayflower Mall, the Cape Breton District Health Authority and the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The pathway is expected to stimulate economic growth by increasing interaction between the communities and the university. When complete, the path will be the longest paved bike path in Nova Scotia, and will serve as an example for active transportation projects for other municipalities. (Project description from original funding application)

Project results

  • 4 tonnes of GHG emissions avoided
  • 52 GJ of energy savings per year

Environmental outcomes

  • Reduced or avoided GHG emissions
  • Promotion of eco-friendly transportation

Social outcomes

  • Protection/improvement of public human health
  • Increased public safety and security
  • Greater civic pride and ownership
  • Increased social inclusion

Economic outcomes

  • Innovative financing
  • Local spending/consumption
  • Use of feasibility tools
  • Improved demand management
  • Partnership development

Lessons learned

  • Council support/buy-in
  • Communication & coordination
  • Data and reporting
  • Resources
  • External factors
  • Technical – Project specific


Cape Breton Regional Municipality, NS