Greater Miramichi Enviro-Centre

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Waste
Project value$55,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Recycling
Grant amount$27,500
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Miramichi, NB
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 17,692
Project timeline 2017 - 2018
Project number 15208


The Greater Miramichi Regional Service Commission (GMRSC) located in eastern New Brunswick serves four municipalities, 19 local service districts, and three First Nation communities over a large rural area. The objective of the study is to identify the best and most efficient, effective, environmentally sound and economical way to identify, collect and treat the waste streams which can be diverted through reuse and recycling to reach an overall diversion rate of 60% from the landfill on an annual basis. Waste targeted are household hazardous waste, e-waste, paint, oil, tires, construction and demolition waste, yard waste, residential organic waste, white goods, industrial wastes from agricultural, forestry and fishing operations, institutional waste from the schools, community college and administration offices, and commercial waste from local retailers. The proposed solution is to establish an Enviro-Centre, which would allow for the regular collection, sorting and recycling of the waste from the region. The viability of a high impact bioenergy unit and a Styrofoam dissolver will also be evaluated. According to the GMRSC, other benefits will be reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by reducing the number of vehicle miles traveled, reducing the potential for illegal dumping, cleaner water through minimization of leachate generated from landfill operations, enhanced environmental stewardship, improved quality of life through more efficient and effective waste management, revenue potential accrued in the region from recycling and reusing, job creation, as well as reducing the amount paid annually in tipping fees. The Greater Miramichi Enviro-Centre Feasibility Study will include the followings: - Establish the existing waste streams in terms of characterization and quantity; - Investigate the upstream inputs (generation centres) to establish the best routes and collection schedules to optimize greenhouse gas emission reduction and vehicle miles; - Identify downstream potentials (waste streams, methods for reducing, reusing and recycling wastes); - Evaluate best management practices; - Evaluate the viability of technologies to allow for minimization of the environmental footprint and reduction of emissions; - Assess the options on their social, environmental and economic benefits; - Identify an optimized location and design for the Enviro-Centre. Consultation methods will be identified by the consultant; each of the commission municipalities will consult with their respective constituents. Stakeholders taking part in the public consultation will be the general public and municipalities in the GMRSC. The team will be supported by a Recycling Ad Hoc committee, which was formed during the launch of the curbside program. This advisory committee is comprised of members of the GRMSC Board, the GMRSC Administration and the Provincial Government. The GMRSC will look at some innovative approaches. The GMRSC will maintain a website portal highlighting the findings of the study. (Project description from original funding application)


Greater Miramichi Regional Service Commission, NB