Brownfield Remediation Feasibility Study, David Tannery Property, Kingston

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Brownfield
Project value$76,200
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Site assessments and remedial action plans
Grant amount$38,100
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Kingston, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 132,485
Project timeline 2013 - 2013
Project number 12106


The City of Kingston will undertake a feasibility study to determine the extent of contamination and evaluate remedial options for the Davis Tannery brownfield site. Located on Kingston’s Inner Harbour waterfront along the shoreline of the Great Cataraqui River, about one kilometre from downtown, the 37-acre site has potential to become a highly valuable property, once redeveloped. After a long history of industrial use, including a lead smelting operation and a tannery, the site’s soil and groundwater has been contaminated by heavy metals. It has had multiple owners, and the city is in the process of taking back the title. The proposed feasibility study is part of the city's due diligence prior to reclaiming the title, and the updated environmental information will serve as important background information for future developers. Working with environmental consultants, the city will review prior environmental testing and conduct additional soil, wetland sediment, and groundwater quality testing. After confirming the degree of contamination at the site, they will evaluate remedial options, and assess the impact of building 1,000 new residential units meeting sustainable design criteria on utility loads and existing infrastructure. The city will also conduct a broad public consultation process to increase stakeholder engagement on the future of the Inner Harbour waterfront, and address public concerns with contaminated sediment. The project aligns with the goals of the Kingston’s 2011–2014 Strategic Plan, which specifies “rejuvenating brownfields” as one of six core priorities. Kingston’s Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for brownfields also offers tax rebates in CIP project areas to offset the costs of environmental cleanup. Given that the Davis Tannery site represents 6% of the total land in the CIP the remediation of the site would be a significant step toward fulfilling Kingston’s vision of becoming Canada’s most sustainable city. (Project Description from original funding application)


City of Kingston, ON