Biosolids management and digester optimization project for the Town of Espanola

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Water
Project value$1,620,000
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Wastewater Management and Treatment
Grant amount$166,500
Program type GMF
Municipality Town of Espanola, ON
Loan amount$1,110,000
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 5,185
Project timeline 2019 - 2023
Project number 16596


In line with its Strategic Plan and its Conservation and Demand Management Plan, the Town of Espanola commissioned a feasibility study to re-evaluate its wastewater sludge treatment and disposal/beneficial-use options. It found that additional dewatering of the thickened sludge using Geotube technology could optimize the facility’s aerobic digestion and gravity-thickening processes and reduce the town’s waste to landfill, energy usage and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The enclosed dewatering system within the treatment plant would store biosolids for subsequent application to agricultural land. Innovative aspect: • The knowledge value of the initiative lies in its potential impacts on the water, energy and waste sectors Replicability: • High potential for replication in small communities across Canada Environmental benefits: • Projected reduction of GHG emissions by 591 tCO2e over the next 20 years after commissioning, from reducing vehicle travel and vehicle fuel use by more than 6,500 km/year and 3,200 l/year, respectively • Anticipated energy consumption reduction of 40% from switching to an intermittent aeration operation Economic benefits: • Municipal savings of approximately $100,000/year in bio-solid hauling charges • A more defined treatment and biosolids management budget may allow the municipality to reduce contingency costs and free up funds for other uses Social benefits: • Supports source-water protection programs by producing treated effluent and helping reduce nitrogen leaching and phosphorus runoff from local farm fields • Short-term benefits include additional job opportunities in planning, design, construction and project management • Additional dewatering and land-application processes managed by the Town of Espanola will lead to further job creation in a small Northern Ontario community (Project description from original funding application)


Town of Espanola, ON