Cornwall Brownfields Strategy and Action Plan

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Brownfield
Project value$80,000
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Redevelopment strategies
Grant amount$40,000
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Cornwall, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 47,845
Project timeline 2004 - 2011
Project number 3798


The City of Cornwall has estimated that there are at least 100 brownfield sites in the municipality, representing potentiallyover 300 acres of contaminated land. The Cornwall Brownfields Strategy and Action Plan will address the City’s needs inbrownfields redevelopment from a strategic policy and implementation perspective. It will form the basis of afundamental commitment to long-range municipal participation in brownfields redevelopment and act as a secondaryplan to the City’s Official Plan. The plan will identify key brownfields sites and develop potential project scenarios that theCity could support and market through partnerships with community groups and development proponents. Thesescenarios would reconcile the community’s priorities for developing more affordable housing and providing space foreconomic activity in already serviced municipal areas while cleaning up environmental contaminants. It will also offer aperspective within which objectives will be identified to significantly reduce energy use and municipal services’ emissionsby incorporating emerging energy-efficient technologies in the adaptive reuse of contaminated lands, as well as,promoting an increased client base for municipal transit. Given the emphasis currently placed on brownfields by federaland provincial orders of government, the plan will help to establish a context within which the municipal role and level ofresponsibility are identified and will seek to establish a realistic and universally applicable template to transform new andexisting legislative tools into actionable steps.


City of Cornwall, ON