Undertaking an Active Transportation Master Plan Study

Type of initiative
Sector Transportation
Project value$345,000
Project Type Plan
Grant amount$125,000
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2017 - 2019
Project number 15737


The City of Windsor is undertaking an Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) to shape and plan a bright future for its community where walking, cycling and transit use are comfortable, convenient, attractive and fun ways for people of all ages and abilities to travel. The development of safe, accessible and visually appealing walking and cycling networks that are interconnected with each other and transit service is an essential step in achieving this goal. Identifying support programs and policies will ensure the plan is sustainable. The implementation strategy will include short-term (0-5yr) medium-term (5-10yr), and long-term (10yrs+) as well as “quick wins” over the immediate term. This will be used to inform existing and future capital and rehabilitation programs.Updating the Bicycle Use Master Plan document in the form of an ATMP will position the community to be a leader in encouraging active transportation and is a logical next step toward the sustainability vision documented in the City of Windsor’s Community Energy Plan. The overall approach is to bring the necessary skills, knowledge and local experience together to incrementally and in collaboration develop an implementable, practical and affordable plan with clear and measurable progress goals. The ATMP will reduce dependency on vehicle use by providing viable alternatives that compel a broad variety of travelers to choose differently and sustainably reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The CEP estimates a modest elimination of 2 percent of average journeys results in emissions reductions of about 8,000 tonnes CO2 or about 1 percent of the total transportation emissions in 2041. The reduction potential will be refined through the development of the ATMP. A summary of the triple bottom line considerations for the ATMP include:-Social: improved access to recreational and commuting infrastructure, improved health, connecting people and places, improved safety for cyclists and pedestrians, enhancing connections with public transit-Economic: enhancing no/low cost transportation options, increase access for job opportunities, reduction in energy costs -Environment: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improved air quality.
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