York Region Wind Power Initiative
Type of initiative
FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Project value$170,650
Project Type
Feasibility Study
Sub Sector
Renewable Energy Generation – Wind
Grant amount$85,325
Program type
Regional Municipality of York, ON
Fully Disbursed
Project timeline
2007 - 2011
Project number
The Regional Municipality of York will conduct a feasibility study to develop a “behind the meter” wind energy demonstration project in the Town of Georgina. This is in accordance with Goal 2 of its long range plan, Vision 2026, which includes objectives to promote conservation and ensure clean water and air through strategies such as “using energy more efficiently in the operations of the Regional government”, and “investigating and promoting alternative energy sources”. If the study is judged viable, it is the intent of the Regional Municipality to replicate the model in other Regional facilities. Georgina was identified for its wind potential, and the Region’s Sutton Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) is considered a promising “behind the meter”, or off the grid site. The Region will explore the feasibility of replacing 70 percent of the electric power consumed by its WPCP with wind power. Once implemented, the Regional Municipality estimates that the system could reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions significantly. Social benefits include reducing reliability on the electrical grid; community-building by working towards sustainable energy production; and, raising awareness and understanding of renewable energy sources and applications.
Regional Municipality of York, ON