Developing smart traffic solutions for a more sustainable Waterloo

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Transportation
Project value$4,520,700
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Roads
Grant amount$392,700
Program type GMF
Municipality Regional Municipality of Waterloo, ON
Loan amount$2,618,300
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 630,000
Project timeline 2019 - 2024
Project number 16441


The Regional Municipality of Waterloo, in collaboration with Miovision Technologies, will implement a new traffic system at 450 intersections, integrating the entire region’s traffic network. The collected data will inform improvements on traffic flow and better integration of pedestrians, cars, cyclists, transit vehicles, emergency vehicles and rapid transit operations. Miovision’s TrafficLink technology links real-time monitoring and information to a central traffic management centre with 360o video cameras and cloud-based data storage. The ability to anticipate and resolve traffic issues along with improved safety and better flow of the transportation network should significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions. Innovative aspect: • In addition to lowering GHG emissions, this project may offer operational cost savings with improved traffic infrastructure Replicability: • High potential for replication in medium to large urban centers across Canada Environmental benefits: • Supported by the municipality’s Climate Action Plan and Regional Transportation Master Plan, this project will help the municipality achieve its target of 6% overall GHG emission reductions from 2010 levels, reducing absolute emissions by 842,000 tonnes by 2020 • The project anticipates an average reduction of 187,000 tonnes/year (2019-2025) of CO2e Economic benefits: • Potential to reduce data collection costs by 89% and resolve traffic issues/complaints within 24 hours, compared to the current wait of two to four weeks • Re-timing of intersections will be more frequent, less costly and more effective (450 intersections can be re-timed every two years rather than every five years). This could increase traffic capacity at <0.2% of the cost with no additional road construction • Expected payback period calculated at 3.8 years and internal rate of return at 24% Social benefits: • Reduction in number of stops and number of vehicle collisions due to smoother traffic flow • Improvement to public health due to less traffic congestion and vehicle idling • Anticipated reduction in average vehicle travel time by 12%, with an increase in average speed by 9%, a decrease in number of stops by 31% and a decrease in fuel consumption by 4% (Project description from original funding application)


Regional Municipality of Waterloo, ON