District of Argyle New Municipal Administration Building

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Energy
Project value$4,483,600
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Building – New – with Renewable energy
Grant amount$452,115
Program type GMF
Municipality Municipality of Argyle, NS
Loan amount$3,014,100
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 7,870
Project timeline 2017 - 2022
Project number 15979


The Municipality of the District of Argyle came to the conclusion that a new net-zero energy administration building in Tusket, Nova Scotia, would cost the same as retrofitting the existing administrative building. A new complex will provide accessible municipal services to the community, hosting a mini-tourism information center and direct access to the community development office. This project aligns strongly with the municipality’s sustainability plans and policies including its Municipal Climate Change Adaption Plan and its Integrated Community Sustainability Plan, which call on the need to increase the energy efficiency of municipal operations. The new building will incorporate high efficiency building design measures such as enhanced envelope insulation and air tightness, efficiency-optimized building layout space, and LED lighting and occupancy sensors. The building will also include a geoexchange pump for heating and cooling and a 60 KW solar photovoltaic (PV) array to supply the building with electricity. The municipality will track overall energy consumption and renewable energy production by monitoring and tracking real-time data from utility meters and smart metering devices. The project will source lumber from a nearby First Nations mill and employ local wood workers to build interior fixtures and furniture. Furthermore, the building will reduce potable water consumption by installing low flow taps and ultra-low flush toilets. The municipality also plans to implement such storm water management measures as a natural catchment pond, reduced asphalt area and increased green spaces. A similar building type meeting standard code requirements would require 448 GJ/yr. The proposed building will only require 213 GJ/yr, resulting in a 52% energy reduction and 87.7 tonnes of C02e/year decrease. The District estimates that the design of the building will save $26,927 in annual operating and maintenance costs. The installation of stormwater management measures will eliminate runoff leaving the site and help minimize total suspended solids (TSS) by 75%. The municipality plans to construct the new building on previously developed land, which avoids greenfield development. Furthermore, repurposing the existing administrative building into a municipal storage building will prevent 27 tonnes of demolition waste. In terms of community benefits, the new building will significantly improve the quality and delivery of municipal service provisions and provide a stimulus for the local economy by utilizing local skilled trades and contractors. (Project description from original funding application)


Municipality of Argyle, NS