Natural Capital Asset Valuation

Type of initiative
Sector Climate Change Adaptation
Project value$168,500
Project Type Operational Study
Grant amount$125,000
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2017 - 2020
Project number 15686


The Natural Capital Assets (NCA) valuation study will inventory natural assets within the City of Saskatoon and determine a value (in financial terms) that green infrastructure provides to the community. The NCA valuation project will directly influence planning and development, risk management, and resource allocation in the municipality. Utilizing a triple bottom line approach, the City of Saskatoon is bringing climate change and green infrastructure into the planning and development phase of municipal operations. In order to understand the risk to assets due to climate change the City must first understand the current state and value of the natural infrastructure currently maintained (or not) in the municipality. The NCA valuation will allow the City to understand the resources required to manage the assets within the municipal boundary and plan future development utilizing green infrastructure.The NCA valuation project will: • Develop an accounting and reporting framework for natural capital assets. • Conduct a vulnerability assessment on municipal infrastructure. • Recognize natural infrastructure as a key component of municipal development. • Provide the metrics required to complete cost-benefit analyses on municipal capital initiatives. • Examine approaches used by other municipalities to value assets and engage in adaptation strategies. • Potentially provide a tool to communicate the value of natural infrastructure as a service delivery model to the community, including culturally significant areas, recreations services, and esthetics.• Identify financial requirements of managed and non-managed natural areas.• Identify the role natural infrastructure can play in improved resiliency and innovative response to climate change.• Identify the social aspects that natural infrastructure provides such as health and wellness services, quality of life, and accessibility.The NCA valuation will reduce vulnerability to climate change impacts by informing the City’s plans on asset management, infrastructure investment, greenhouse gas mitigation, climate adaptation, and growth plans. While the primary focus of the NCA valuation is on City of Saskatoon assets, key stakeholders including the Meewasin Valley Authority and the University of Saskatchewan will be invited to review draft documents to ensure accuracy and receive copies of the final study.
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