Progressive Closure and Landfill Gas Management System - Foothills Blvd. Regional Landfill

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Waste
Project value$4,247,000
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Landfill Gas Management
Grant amount$555,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Regional District of Fraser-Fort George, BC
Loan amount$1,453,620
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 96,979
Project timeline 2008 - 2010
Project number 1385


The Regional District of Fraser-Fort George (RDFFG) will analyze a range of options (identified in GMEF 807) forutilizing the LFG at its regional landfill site. Meanwhile, the site will be progressively closed and a capture and flare landfilgas management system installed over time, beginning with the first closure phase in 2002. In addition to a standardGMIF loan, a highly innovative financing structure allows grant funding for this project. The RDFFG will surrender toGMIF the gas rights from the project for up to 10 years or until the grant funds have been recovered by GMIF from thesale of emission reduction credits (ERCs), whichever occurs sooner. At that point, ownership of the ERCs reverts to theregional district.


Regional District of Fraser-Fort George, BC