Retrofitting a multi-purpose facility in Tidsale

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - CBR
Sector Energy
Project value$35,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – Existing – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$24,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Town of Tisdale, SK
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 2,962
Project timeline 2021 - 2022
Project number 17860


The Town of Tidsale will complete a greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction pathway feasibility study to help integrate energy efficiency and GHG emissions reductions into long-term planning for managing the town’s multi-purpose facility (the RECplex). The town intends to conduct this feasibility study for short- and long-term capital projects while mapping out a course to extend the life of the RECplex and reduce operating and maintenance costs over its remaining useful life. This study will identify a sequence of emissions-reduction measures—the “GHG reduction pathway”—that will help to reduce GHG emissions produced by the facility by at least 50% within 10 years and by at least 80% (i.e., near net-zero emissions) within 20 years. 

The town will measure the impacts by comparing annual energy-related building maintenance costs (for HVAC equipment, lighting, etc.). Maintenance costs are expected to decline once existing equipment is operating more efficiently and as new equipment is installed. GHG emissions reductions will be calculated annually, based on utility and fuel bills, and compared to the reduction goals set out in the proposed plan. 

The project’s expected social benefits to the town and surrounding area are related to improving the operating efficiency and longevity of the facility so that residents and staff can continue to enjoy the RECplex for many years to come. 


Innovative aspect(s): 

Assessing retrofit needs and integrating energy and GHG reductions into longer-term management plans for the RECplex is innovative for a small municipality. 

Adoption of a solar photovoltaic system, potentially combined with battery storage, offers an opportunity to address peak electricity loads and can replace diesel or natural gas back-up generators. 

These measures provide built-in resilience against energy cost escalation over the lifespan of the asset. In terms of scale, this project may lead to significant environmental, social and economic outcomes. 



To encourage adoption and replication, the town intends to showcase the more visible aspects of the project to the public and will offer advice to any other municipalities looking to replicate it. 

As the proposed project is expected to significantly reduce operating costs (which would otherwise continue increasing with carbon taxes on fossil fuels) as well as GHG emissions, and involves some relatively uncommon practices, the town expects that many other municipalities will want to follow it if the outcome is successful. 

(Project description from original funding application)


Town of Tisdale, SK

Download the project's final report
