Operations Yard Energy Source Alternative

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Energy
Project value$40,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – New – with Renewable energy
Grant amount$19,800
Program type GMF
Municipality City of White Rock, BC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 21,939
Project timeline 2003 - 2009
Project number 2024


The city is exploring the feasibility of constructing its new Operations Building as a "green building." The study willinvestigate renewable energy technologies and water conservation strategies for use in the building. The city will explorethe use of geothermal systems and solar energy as opposed to natural gas, photovoltaic panels for electricity andenvelope shading, daylight harvesting technologies, natural ventilation instead of conventional forced air, high–efficiencyfans and ultra–low–flush fixtures and occupancy sensors in bathrooms. Such a building would demonstrate to the publicthat the local government is energy conscious and spending tax dollars wisely. It would also displace the electricity andrelated emissions produced by conventional energy sources.


City of White Rock, BC