Plainsview Townhomes: Affordable, net-zero ready living in Regina

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - SAH
Sector Energy
Project value$24,670
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Building – New – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$19,736
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Regina, SK
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 226,404
Project timeline 2020 - 2020
Project number 17137


The National Affordable Housing Corporation (NAHC) is a Saskatchewan not-for-profit with considerable experience in affordable homeownership programs and project development. In 2019, NAHC took a new strategic direction to own and operate affordable housing rentals. Plainsview Townhomes is among the first projects in its new portfolio, and NAHC will explore the opportunity for prefabricated construction that is net-zero energy ready (NZER).

At this stage, several energy-efficient elements will be considered. These include a highly insulated building envelope; high-efficiency HVAC, lighting and water systems; Energy Star–rated appliances; smart thermostats; and solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. The design will mostly consist of pre-fabricated components shipped to the site for assembly. This building approach reduces construction waste and emissions during construction.

The planning grant would help the NAHC to assess the costs, risks, and opportunities in building a modular complex. Informed decisions regarding construction, project financing, operations, and strategic marketing will ultimately inform shape the project’s feasibility and funding applications.

Innovative aspect(s):

Building modular NZER homes could dramatically lower the costs and knowledge barriers that often prevent the implementation of these projects.


If the Plainsview Townhomes project is successful, similar prefabricated developments could be quickly deployed across the province or the country.


  • The development will provide 48 two-bedroom and three-bedroom units, with market rent units offsetting costs for the 22 affordable units (46%)
  • Four of the affordable units will be deeply subsidized (50% below MMR) and reserved for families requiring higher levels of accessibility or support


National Affordable Housing Corporation, SK

Download the project's final report
