Net-zero construction of Allandale transit hub

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Energy
Project value$52,400
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – New – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$26,200
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Barrie, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 147,829
Project timeline 2020 - 2022
Project number 17598


There has been major growth in the City of Barrie as residents from more southern communities relocate there and commute south to work. A transit hub close to the Allandale GO Station would allow residents to access more convenient and faster transportation. This is likely to promote further growth within Barrie, which will expand its tax base. Making the Allandale transit hub a net-zero construction will promote energy efficiency, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy use. All of these support the city’s Strategic Plan goal to build a greener Barrie while mitigating and adapting to climate change. Furthermore, reducing the hub’s energy consumption will also reduce its operating costs, supporting the goal to make tax dollars go further. The relocation of the transit hub will link multiple modes of public transportation in one spot, which supports the goal to increase transportation options, including active transportation modes. Finally, this project presents an opportunity to focus on public education and engagement, which supports the goal to inspire community participation. The City of Barrie declared a climate emergency in 2019 and committed to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Under Ontario Regulation 507/18, the city must report annually on its energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to the above-mentioned Strategic Plan, the proposed project aligns with objectives and targets outlined in the city's Conservation and Demand Management Plan, 2020–2024. In addition to offering the obvious benefits of a transit hub to Barrie residents, this project presents an opportunity to promote and implement sustainable initiatives in the community. Leading by example, the city can demonstrate to the local industrial, commercial and institutional sector the positive economic, financial and social benefits of implementing sustainable technologies. 

The project aims to meet net-zero building standards, which include the following environmental performance indicators: 

1) Energy consumption 

  · the project aims to minimize energy demands 

  · the project will implement energy-efficient applications, such as passive strategies for heating and cooling, airtight building envelope,  building orientation, etc. 

  · the project will establish building-specific metrics to be used as targets during the design process, including TEUI (ekWh/m2) and TEDI (ekWh/m2) 

2) On-site renewable energy generation 

   · After all energy-reducing measures have been taken, on-site renewable energy will be implemented to produce at least as much energy as the building consumes 

   · Renewable energy options may include solar panels, geothermal, wind, etc. 


Innovative aspect(s): 

There are currently no net-zero buildings in Barrie or the surrounding area. The city is looking at developing policies to mandate sustainable design requirements for new private and city-owned developments, and this study will assist in developing performance measures and guidelines. The project is also unique in that it is applying energy efficiency to a transit hub facility. 



The successful implementation of the proposed transit hub will result in a demonstration project that could be replicated by other Canadian municipalities. Other communities across Canada facing similar challenges are likely to be interested in the results of this study and subsequent steps if the project is successful. The city is committed to sharing these results. 


(Project description from original funding application)

Project results

Lessons learned

  • Project planning and parameters
  • Data and reporting


City of Barrie, ON