Land Use and Sustainable Development Master Plan for the Place Charles-Le Moyne Hub in the City of Longueuil

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Multi-sector (Plans)
Project value$753,405
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Grant amount$175,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville de Longueuil, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 254,483
Project timeline 2015 - 2017
Project number 13142


The City of Longueuil plans to set up a land use and sustainable development master plan (plan directeur d’aménagement et de développement durable – PDADD) for the Charles-Le Moyne district to ensure optimal redevelopment of this transit-oriented development (TOD) in line with the municipality’s various plans, strategies and programs. This roughly 1.2 km2 sector represents one of the City of Longueuil’s five core development hubs. The Place Charles-Le Moyne project is consistent with the objectives of Longueuil’s strategic plan for sustainable development (PSDD), which received a Green Municipal Fund grant in 2010 (GMF 10256). Beyond the project's vision for the future, it embraces innovative sustainable development practices and will help to achieve the objectives set out in the PSDD. The Longueuil metro station is the only metro station on Montreal’s south shore. The City of Longueuil would like to seize this opportunity to increase the density of the surrounding area in compliance with the principles of transit-oriented development (TOD) and based on the principles of new urbanism. A related mobility study for the Longue Rive and Place Charles-Le Moyne hubs, for which a GMF funding application (13143) was also submitted, will also support the development of this plan. The approach will be applied at every level, from the municipality to buildings, as well as neighbourhoods and streets, with a view to establishing a coherent whole with the rest of the city. The development will focus on integrating walking, cycling and public transit infrastructure into the urban fabric. As is the case for all large projects, the municipality plans on building partnerships to leverage project implementation. The essential part of the development approach will be managed internally by the large projects office in collaboration with the steering and technical committees. Committees of local stakeholders, consultants and experts in various fields will enhance and complement the City's work. As part of this project, the City of Longueuil also transformed the traditional consultation approach into a participative process with residents. This new approach for the administration led to the creation of an information and consultation office (Bureau d’information et de consultation) responsible for informing the community with the goal of building social acceptance for the project. A participation charter will be prepared and distributed to all households in the vicinity of the future redevelopment project identifying each party’s commitments. This master plan represents a unique opportunity to develop a sensitive, innovative redevelopment vision as well as a management model for large urban municipal projects across Canada. The Place Charles-Le Moyne hub will serve as a showcase and catalyst, demonstrating that it is indeed possible to create a TOD for pedestrians. (Project description from original funding application)


Ville de Longueuil, QC