Energy Retrofit of South Fletchers Sportsplex

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Energy
Project value$126,900
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – Existing – with Renewable energy
Grant amount$63,450
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Brampton, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 656,480
Project timeline 2020 - 2020
Project number 16826


The City of Brampton will conduct a feasibility study on improving energy performance, exploring opportunities for on-site renewable energy generation and storage, and decreasing water consumption at the South Fletchers Sportsplex. The facility first opened in 1996, and includes four ice rinks, a pool, a library, a fitness room, a gymnasium, an auditorium and various community rooms. It was selected for study because it is among the top-10 energy-consuming buildings in Brampton (with 1,150 tonnes of CO2e emissions in 2018) and because most of its major building systems have reached the end of their rated life.

The study will compare three potential energy performance targets: a 50% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; an 80% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; and net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Three bundled scenarios will be prepared for each target, for a total of nine modelled scenarios. The proposed scenarios will include high-efficiency HVAC and domestic hot water systems, district energy, lighting systems, control systems, heat recovery opportunities, building envelope upgrades, renewable energy generation, and energy storage systems. The modelled scenarios will be compared against a business-as-usual case then presented at two consultation workshops for stakeholder feedback.

The study is in line with Brampton’s Conservation Demand Management Plan, Climate Emergency Declaration, and Zero Carbon Transition Plan.

Innovative aspect(s):

The study has the potential to develop innovative practices and technologies through an integrated design process, which allows for a more holistic look at building components, users and operations, and their interactions.


The findings of this study should be replicable in many Canadian municipalities with combined ice rink and pool facilities. Many of these facilities failed to utilize waste-heat and maximize operational efficiency when they were first built, and will now require significant retrofits to meet municipal climate targets.

Project results

Lessons learned

  • Project planning and parameters
  • Council support/buy-in
  • Project team and partners


City of Brampton, ON

Download the project's final report
