Stephenville-Construction of a Combined Sewer Wetlands Treatment System

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Water
Project value$9,000,000
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Wastewater Management and Treatment
Grant amount$1,630,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Town of Stephenville, NL
Loan amount$2,800,000
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 6,540
Project timeline 2005 - 2008
Project number 5499


The Town of Stephenville will construct a sewer and engineered biological wetland treatment system that will provide primary and secondary wastewater treatment. Abydoz Environmental Inc. will design, construct and operate the engineered wetland (called the Kickuth BioReactor Engineered Wetland) and sludge treatment system. The basic design consists of a series of lined treatment beds filled with soil and/or granular material and planted reeds. Once the reeds are established, treatment of the sewage occurs by means of biological degradation as effluent flows sub-surface from inlet to the discharge ends of the beds. The main zone will accommodate 100 per cent of the municipality’s treatment requirements with a buffer for future flows and space allocation for additional beds for future expansion. The sludge treatment component is the first of its kind in Atlantic Canada. The sludge beds will accommodate 100 per cent of the sludge generated by the project and have the capacity to accommodate sludge from other sites, hence, the creation of the Pilot Regional Sludge Treatment Centre. The sludge will be accumulated and retained on-site until it can be disposed of as stable degradable biomass (usually a period of eight to 10 years).


Town of Stephenville, NL