Trolley Bus Replacement Project

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Transportation
Project value$256,000,000
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Public Transit
Grant amount$30,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Metro Vancouver, BC
Loan amount$20,000,000
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 18,612
Project timeline 2004 - 2011
Project number 1511


Translink is committed to renewing the electric trolley fleet because of the benefits for urban air quality, lower urbannoise levels, and greater passenger satisfaction with the quality of the ride – all of which will contribute to better quality oflife in downtown Vancouver and will contribute to maintaining high ridership levels on the electric trolley routes. Thisproject has two distinct components: the core project supports the purchase of electric trolley buses with a GreenMunicipal Investment Fund (GMIF loan, while a reinvestment component reinvests in transportation demandmanagement and renewable energy using the savings realized by obtaining a low-interest loan from GMIF. TransLinkwill purchase green power in a program modeled after the City of Calgary’s successful “Ride the Wind” program. Theproject has a number of innovations including the structure of the financing, the pursuit of solar powered bus stops,alternative bus technology, etc.


Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, BC