Optimizing biogas production and use in Ottawa

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Energy
Project value$164,900
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Waste to Energy – Other
Grant amount$82,450
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Ottawa, ON
Status In Progress
Population 1,017,449
Project timeline 2020 -
Project number 16866


Ottawa’s Robert O. Pickard Environmental Centre (ROPEC) provides physical and biological treatment of domestic, commercial and industrial wastewater and ensures the treated water is safe to return to the Ottawa River. In 2018, ROPEC treated an average of 415 million litres of wastewater each day. As part of the treatment process, ROPEC produces biogas through anaerobic digestion. This biogas is used as a fuel source for co-generation and the boiler plant that produces electricity and thermal energy used on site.

This study’s purpose is to identify approaches to optimize the production and benefits of digester gas at ROPEC. Options studied will include the introduction of new feedstock sources to increase biogas production, as well as innovative uses for the resulting biogas, such as thermal applications, power generation (e.g., hydrogen gas production/fuel cells), power-to-gas (conversion to hydrogen or renewable natural gas), industrial applications, bio-methane injection, and vehicle fuel for ROPEC’s fleet.

In order to evaluate such a wide range of solutions, the project team will develop three screening tools that will be used to identify three or more technically and financially viable options. A group of key stakeholders will utilize the decision-support tool to evaluate these preferred options based on financial, environmental, social and implementation considerations.

The study is in direct response to the City’s report, Energy Evolution: Ottawa’s Community Energy Transition Strategy. It also aligns with Ottawa’s Climate Change Master Plan and Official Plan - Energy.

Innovative aspect(s):

The study will demonstrate the feasibility of a variety of innovative technologies and practices that are considered uncommon across Canada.


The proposed approach, outcomes and lessons learned from this study will have the potential to be applied in whole or in part to a wide range of Canadian municipalities. The decision-support tool developed through this project could be modified for use on other City projects or by other municipalities.


City of Ottawa, ON