Study to reduce GHG emissions generated by Gatineau’s municipal fleet of vehicles

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Transportation
Project value$355,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Fleet Management
Grant amount$175,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville de Gatineau, QC
Status In Progress
Population 291,041
Project timeline 2019 -
Project number 16591


The City of Gatineau is planning to undertake a study to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by the operation of its fleet of 900 municipal vehicles. The goal is to develop a five-year program after which an annual 30% reduction in GHG generated by the fleet will be achieved in relation to the 2017 reference year. This is equivalent to an annual reduction of 2,400 tonnes of CO2 equivalent, or close to one million litres of fossil fuels. As part of the study, the City will assess existing data along with an energy balance to characterize reference consumption of units within the fleet based on the conditions under which they are used. The City will also evaluate existing and planned measures, such as, its fleet electrification pilot project. With this information in hand, the City will propose, select and develop specific measures for vehicles with above-standard consumption. A GHG emissions reduction target will be set for each measure, along with a reduction target for the number of litres of fuel consumed or the number of kilometres driven, where applicable. Finally, the project will include deploying a tool to monitor implementation of the measures selected. A communications plan to inform the community about the results will also be developed. In addition to reducing GHG emissions, the project aims to generate cost savings for the City, make municipal fleet users aware of eco-driving behaviours, and enable the organization to set an example vis-à-vis the rest of the community. The project is part of the City’s 2014-2018 Environmental Action Plan, which includes measures to reduce GHG emissions. Furthermore, the project is supported by the City of Gatineau’s sustainable development plans, which include a global GHG emissions reduction target for the City of 18% by 2020 in relation to 2009. Innovative aspects and replicability: • The study will propose a list of measures to reduce gas consumption. Innovative practices and technologies will therefore be envisaged in this regard based on realities in the field and related opportunities. • The proposed measures may include devices installed on vehicles; incentives and control measures to promote eco-driving; vehicle maintenance and fleet management policies and procedures; or converting heavy vehicles to gas or replacing compact vehicles with electric vehicles. • Potential measures could provide a list of actions that inspire other municipalities or managers of large fleets such as public transit organizations. (Project description from original funding application)


Ville de Gatineau, QC