Feasibility Study on Municipal Facility Energy Conservation Measures & Upgrades

Type of initiative
Sector Energy
Project value$290,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Grant amount$32,400
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2018 - 2019
Project number 15804


The City of Lethbridge is looking to conduct an initial Phase 1 Prioritization Study energy reduction feasibility study of facility retrofits, recommissioning measures and improvements to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improve energy efficiencies. The potential improvements and retrofits may include building envelopment improvements, mechanical and electrical system retrofits, combined heat and power systems, as well as renewable energy system opportunities. The energy assessment feasibility study will target approximately 8 to 10 municipally owned and operated facilities, providing a detailed evaluation of each facility, with a focus on the various improvement options for each specific facility. The overall target of the feasibility study will be a holistic reduction of GHG emissions by 50% for the identified facilities, with at least 2/3 of these reductions coming from efficiency measures and the rest from renewable energy.The methodology to develop a detailed energy assessment for all the specified buildings in this project needs to follow the above listed requirements to ensure ASHRAE Level II audit conditions. ASHRAE Level II audits explore all possible measures applicable to a particular facility. The analysis is completed in a way to narrow down a set of recommended measures that will be presented in the finalized report. The project will be managed by the City of Lethbridge’ Facility Services Department. The project management team will consist of experienced engineers and project managers with significant experience retrofitting facilities, managing fully new designed and constructed facilities, as well as implementing energy efficiency retrofits for facilities throughout the City Of Lethbridge. Consultants that will be hired to perform the baseline audit will be required to have the necessary certifications and experience for such an audit.
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