Quatsino First Nation Community Energy Plan

Type of initiative
Sector Energy
Project value$91,000
Project Type Plan
Grant amount$46,400
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2018 - 2019
Project number 15801


The Quatsino First Nation, in partnership with the Regional District of Mount Waddington, will be carrying out a Community Energy Plan (CEP) in order to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in their community. The overall objective of the Community Energy Plan is to create a guiding framework for future renewable energy development and energy efficiency and conservation activities that is specific to Quatsino First Nation’s unique values and needs. Their approach will follow milestones one to three of the Partnership for Climate Protection Milestone Framework and will also utilize the template for community energy planning from the BC First Nations Clean Energy Business Fund. The CEP will include:1) Establishing an energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions baseline for residences, community buildings, transportation, and solid waste;2) Setting an energy and GHG emissions reduction target for the community;3) Identifying opportunities to reduce energy use and GHG emissions through residential energy assessments and energy audits of community buildings;4) Identifying and assessing the generation potential of renewable energy resources in our traditional territory, including solar, hydro, wind and ocean/tidal; and5) Creating a prioritized action plan for energy and GHG emission reductions and renewable energy development based on community goals and return on investment.In addition to reduced energy consumption and GHG emissions, investing in energy efficiency will reduce energy costs for members and improve the quality and comfort of homes and community buildings. This will help keep wealth in the community, and Band revenues that were used to support utility bill payments can be reallocated to other community programs such as health, education and economic development. The community energy planning process will also increase energy literacy in the community and improve internal staff capacities in regards to renewable energy development and implementation of energy saving measures. The CEP will also identify potential economic development opportunities for QFN through renewable energy generation, which would provide clean electricity to utility grid and provide a long-term economic stream for the community, which has been impacted by the downturn in forestry, fishing and mining in the region.
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