Develop Milton Green Innovation Plan

Type of initiative
Sector Energy
Project value$221,400
Project Type Plan
Grant amount$125,000
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2017 - 2018
Project number 15627


The Town of Milton’s ‘Develop Milton Green Innovation Plan’ will support the next phase of the Town's climate change mitigation plans and specifically its GHG emission reduction and community energy plans. With the goal of making Milton - a rapidly growing community residentially and commercially - one of the greenest towns in Canada, the plan will aim to meet the targets set out by the Ontario Climate Change Action Plan and the Canada Climate Change Action Plan. The Plan will be developed using FCM’s Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) 5-step milestone framework, and supporting GHG inventory tools. The Town will use a triple bottom line approach for this initiative. Specifically, the objectives for the Milton Green Innovation Plan are to:• Update the Corporation's Conservation and Demand Management Plan.• Develop the first comprehensive Community Plan.• Build a wider stakeholder group to develop and advance the plan, and effective engagement through a Steering Committee, Advisory Groups and Public Engagement.• Implement Deep Green solutions for new developments such as the Milton Education Village (MEV), which will be campuses for Wilfred Laurier University and Conestoga College.A governance structure will be established to successfully develop the plan, and to sustain it into the future. The core team is comprised of senior experts in government relations, planning, engineering, sustainability, energy management, communications and stakeholder adoption, technical writing, legal, financial and project management. The start up Steering Committee is made up of executives from Milton Hydro, Union Gas and the Town of Milton. Two Advisory Groups will be established: One Advisory Group will be for the Corporate Plan and will consist of town department representation; the other Advisory Group will be for the Community Plan including additional representatives from the Region (sustainability, conservation, transportation, waste management), the School Boards, the Hospital Board, the Chamber of Commerce, major emitters such as Roxul – an insulation manufacturer, and citizen advocates.
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