City of Brooks innovative community urban wastewater feasibility study

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Water
Project value$164,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Wastewater Management and Treatment
Grant amount$82,000
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Brooks, AB
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 14,924
Project timeline 2020 - 2022
Project number 16906


Nestled between Calgary, Medicine Hat and Lethbridge, Brooks is the cultural and economic centre of Newell County, Alberta. The city’s current wastewater lagoons do not have sufficient storage capacity, and they are in breach of regulatory requirements set by the Province of Alberta. Engineering studies have determined that the cost of replacing the lagoons with a conventional mechanical treatment facility would be very high. The city is seeking to address an infrastructure deficit in its wastewater treatment system and conduct a feasibility study to determine whether significant capital and operating cost savings can be achieved through the design and construction of an innovative wetland-based wastewater treatment system. The project aims to investigate three things: 1) how a MAGNA Omni-Processor could be used to provide end-of pipe treatment for sewage effluent; 2) how a co-located waste-to-energy facility could eliminate the need to haul biosolids to landfill, creating a net-zero wastewater treatment facility; and 3) how a Stormwater Kidney™ could be integrated with the city’s wastewater treatment system to increase both stormwater and effluent discharge to a high enough quality for recreational use, facilitating a raw water resource for the community. The study will also help determine long-term operations and maintenance cost savings and whether MAGNA’s green infrastructure portfolio can help the city achieve its long-term sustainability goals. Innovative aspect(s): The implementation of an “Engineered Wetland“ as proposed including the “Magna Omni-Processor” concept in combination with stormwater detention and combining a co-located waste-to-energy facility could be considered as an innovative solution. This solution could also help further demonstrate the capabilities of engineered wetlands to provide year-round secondary treatment of wastewater in a cold climate. Replicability: The potential for lessons learned and replication is good, as the proposed solution could be a reasonable alternative for Canadian municipalities that need to upgrade or transform their wastewater treatment facilities. (Project description from original funding application)


City of Brooks, AB