Arborg- Bifrost-Riverton Sustainable Community Development Plan

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Multi-sector (Plans)
Project value$135,300
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Grant amount$67,650
Program type GMF
Municipality Municipality of Bifrost-Riverton, MB
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 3,320
Project timeline 2016 - 2017
Project number 15040


The recently amalgamated Municipality of Bifrost-Riverton will work with the Town of Arborg to create the Arborg-Bifrost-Riverton Sustainable Community Development Plan. The municipalities have in the past largely worked as separate entities, and this action plan will enable the integration of different plans, programs, and activities, providing an all-encompassing approach to the development of the area. The plan will build on the East Interlake Planning District Development Plan which is the official plan for the area, and will integrate sustainability objectives by including environmental, social and economic sustainability factors in the planning and decision making process. Environmental actions will be based around the principles of Smart Growth and LEED ND and will address municipal areas such as: • Land use priorities, and brownfield remediation. • Energy conservation measures for new developments, and evaluation and retrofit of existing municipal buildings. • Evaluation and retrofit of existing municipal vehicle and equipment fleet. • Efficient active transportation options to reduce reliance on vehicles. • Solid waste reduction and diversion. • Carbon and nutrient sequestration through effective open space planning and implementation. In addition, issues concerning the health of Lake Winnipeg will be addressed include potable water reduction; surface water contamination; flooding and erosion, and; evaluating and making recommendations regarding the area’s sewer and water infrastructure. During the 1990’s Bifrost was one of the most productive agricultural areas in the Province. Water related problems have reduced productivity below the area’s potential. Bifrost Agricultural Sustainability Service Cooperative Inc. (BASIC) is developing a report and implementing a comprehensive program to improve and maintain water management. This action plan must take into account the findings and recommendations included in the report. A key element of this plan will be its on-going relationship building with Aboriginal neighbours. The neighbouring First Nations communities of Peguis, Fisher River and other Aboriginal and Metis communities will be invited to participate as partners in the plan‘s goal to increase the pool of labour available to employers, and they will be invited to sit on the steering committee. The project team will conduct interviews and focus groups with key stakeholders to inform the PESTLE (political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental) analysis. The plan will establish targets, provide an implementation and monitoring program and recommend a mechanism to refine and adjust processes in response to the ongoing evaluation of outcomes. There will also be workshops, charrettes and an open house. A dedicated website will be linked to the community site. (Project description from original funding application)


Arborg-Bifrost Community Development Corporation Inc., MB

Download the project's final report
