Soccom -Barrage Magpie

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Energy
Project value$62,000,000
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Renewable Energy Generation – Hydro
Grant amount$30,000
Program type GMF
Municipality MRC de Minganie, QC
Loan amount$2,970,000
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 9,849
Project timeline 2004 - 2008
Project number 5149


The Regional County Municipality of Minganie (RCM) plans to install a run-of-river hydroelectric generating station on the site of an abandoned hydroelectric facility in the Village of Magpie. The site, which includes a dam, a substation, and a garage, was closed in 1989. The project involves the reconstruction of the dam, intakes, and sluice canals and the installation of turbines capable of generating electricity at varying levels of head. Production is expected to be 40.6 megawatts (MW), with an availability of 96 per cent and a utilization factor of 45 to 52.6 per cent. This translates into an increase in efficiency over the former 2-megawatt (MW) facility of 95 per cent, and will provide power for about 6,200 homes. For this project, the RCM partnered with Hydroméga Services Inc., a developer of hydroelectric stations smaller than 50 MW. This partnership between a private energy producer and a regional municipal body is a first in Québec. If the partnership and financing model is successful, it could be replicated elsewhere. The potential greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions attributable to the project are 62,858 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per year.


MRC de Minganie, QC