Vancouver Island Bio-Diesel Evaluation Study (VIBES)

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Transportation
Project value$92,155
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Fleet Management
Grant amount$45,311
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Victoria, BC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 91,867
Project timeline 2005 - 2011
Project number 7054


Bio-diesel provides many benefits when compared to petro-diesel including up to 90 per cent reduction in lifecycle carbon dioxide emissions. This six-month field test will begin the development of a framework of a cost efficient means for fleets to migrate from petroleum based fuels to bio-based fuels. The City of Victoria and a group of local fleet operators that include municipal, provincial, federal and private fleets will monitor the usefulness of bio-diesel as a motor fuel and determine if there are any significant impediments to adopting bio-diesel as a component of the City’s long-term emission reduction strategies. Participating fleets have agreed to put time and effort into an extensive communications campaign, which will parallel the field test, in order to expand awareness for bio-diesel in other fleets and communities throughout the province. In addition, they will use the field test to produce a Handling and Use Guidelines Manual to assist other fleet managers to make informed decisions about the adoption and use of bio-diesel in their communities. A successful field test will be the catalyst for the location of a bio-diesel production plant on Vancouver Island.


City of Victoria, BC