Considering Net Zero for Central Elgin new Port Stanley Fire Station

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Energy
Project value$46,200
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – New – with Renewable energy
Grant amount$23,100
Program type GMF
Municipality Municipality of Central Elgin, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 13,746
Project timeline 2019 - 2019
Project number 16558


The Municipality of Central Elgin will conduct a study on the technical and financial feasibility of achieving net zero energy for its future Port Stanley Fire Station. The current fire station has reached the end of its life cycle. Renovating is not an option because the station no longer meets requirements and the municipality wants to relocate it to improve response time. Considering that fire stations operate 24/7, Central Elgin thought this project would be a great candidate for a net zero building. The project will serve as a learning opportunity for the municipality to undertake future energy efficient project in existing and future facilities. To achieve net zero, Central Elgin intends to explore methods and costs associated with the following: increasing thermal performance (building envelope assemblies, rapid-acting bi-fold doors); increase efficiency of building systems (LED, daylight harvesting, building automation systems, automatic controls, geothermal wells); and on-site renewable energy (various formats of solar photovoltaic systems). Central Elgin also plans to consult with Hydro One to discuss available generating capacity. The study will generate recommendations on how net zero energy can be achieved for the new fire station. If feasible, the consultant will provide recommendations on how to achieve net zero water and net zero carbon as well. This project aligns with Central Elgin’s Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan, with goals such as maximizing fiscal resources through direct and indirect energy savings; reducing the environmental impact of the municipality’s operations; and providing the guidance and leadership necessary for the adoption of a culture of sustainability. Innovative aspects This project is the first of its kind for the Municipality of Central Elgin. It demonstrates the municipality’s strong will to achieve the goals set out in its Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan and take them to the next level. Replicability: Central Elgin wants to increase its energy efficiency and thinks this project will help build the capacity needed for long-term sustainability. Surrounding municipalities may be interested in learning from the project. On a national level, this could be a great example of a net zero fire station completed in a relatively small community of 12,000 people. (Project description based on original funding application)

Project results

Lessons learned

  • Project planning and parameters
  • Initiative support
  • Stakeholder and community engagement
  • Council support/buy-in
  • Decision-making involvement
  • Project team and partners
  • Communication & coordination
  • Budgeting and time management
  • Data and reporting


Municipality of Central Elgin, ON