Using value-planning methodology to develop the Winnipeg Exchange District SNAP

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Multi-sector (Plans)
Project value$358,000
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Grant amount$175,000
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Winnipeg, MB
Status In Progress
Population 749,607
Project timeline 2020 -
Project number 17405


The Exchange District Business Improvement Zone (BIZ) will develop a sustainable neighbourhood action plan (SNAP) for the Exchange District in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The vision is to transform the district into a leader in promoting sustainable urban development through the integration of active mobility, land use, adaptive re-use of buildings, and pursuit of a circular economy and climate-resilient neighbourhood. The Winnipeg Exchange District SNAP is supported by the City of Winnipeg’s official plan (“Our Winnipeg”) and two direction statements adopted by the municipal council (“Complete Communities” and “A Sustainable Winnipeg”). The Exchange District BIZ will work closely with the city to develop specific and achievable recommendations under each of the six priority areas laid out in the City of Winnipeg’s Environmental Directory: Climate change; green buildings; waste management; water conservation; sustainable transportation; and sustainable food systems and food security. The SNAP will include recommendations on local zero-waste initiatives, passive and net-zero buildings, water- and energy-conservation systems, active transportation and mobility innovation zones, and local food and food security networks. The Exchange District SNAP will be guided by value-planning investment methodology. This approach aims to identify the returns on investment and risks associated with each major component of the plan and then provide details on how these components could be achieved. Using value-planning methodology will help to define and affirm an overall vision for the sustainable future of the Exchange District. The ensuing SNAP will guide and facilitate sustainable private development, direct public investments, and inform policy and program design. Innovative aspect(s): Layering value-planning methodology on top of a traditional district-planning exercise is innovative and provides a tool for assessing the impact of infrastructure decisions that address economic and environmental concerns. The resulting SNAP will provide a pathway to achieving a zero-waste district and identify resources to support material- and fuel-switching to achieve a net-zero and carbon neutral-district. Replicability: The project will demonstrate the utility of value planning as an analytical layer that can be incorporated into neighborhood-planning initiatives in other Canadian municipalities. This level of detail represents an advance in neighborhood-planning approaches. (Project description from original funding application)


Exchange District Business Improvement Zone, MB