Manitoba Capital Region Transportation Modal Shift Feasibility Study

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Transportation
Project value$250,200
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Active Transportation
Grant amount$122,100
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Winnipeg, MB
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 749,607
Project timeline 2015 - 2016
Project number 13119


The Partnership of the Manitoba Capital Region (PMCR) will complete a feasibility study to assess the potential for a modal shift away from fossil fuel vehicles and toward public transit and active transportation for the 17 member municipalities in the PMCR, including the City of Winnipeg. As part of the feasibility study, the project team will gather information on the current state of the MCR transportation network based on regional transportation plan background documents, a literature review, transportation system manager interviews, and a survey of system users. They will also determine the environmental, social and operating costs of proposed system changes and infrastructure projects that PMCR can undertake to increase the modal share of public transit and active transportation. The final report will prioritize projects and identify steps toward implementation. Consultation will take place throughout the process through public open houses, surveys, and meetings with municipal authorities. The study will be supervised by a cross-sector steering committee comprised of representatives from the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation, Manitoba Local Government, the Winnipeg Airport Authority, Centreport Canada, Winnipeg Economic Development and Manitoba Heavy Equipment. The population in the capital region of Manitoba is projected to grow by up to 40% in the next 20 years, and currently transportation is highly dependent on fossil fueled personal vehicles. The development of a regional growth plan (not a part of this application) that will set principals and targets for a sustainable Capital Region, provides the opportunity to integrate findings from the feasibility study into the long-term objectives of the PMCR member municipalities. Through the feasibility study and subsequent implementation, the PMCR plans to integrate transportation objectives with land use planning, increase active transportation, improve efficiency in the movement of people and goods, and limit greenhouse gas emissions. (Project description from original funding application)


Partnership of the Manitoba Capital Region, MB